
  • І. К. Дойчо Міжвідомчий науково-навчальний фізико-технічний центр МОН та НАН України при Одеському національному університеті імені І. І. Мечникова, Україна
  • Я. І. Лепіх Міжвідомчий науково-навчальний фізико-технічний центр МОН і НАН України при ОНУ імені І. І. Мечникова, Україна



Ключові слова:

наноструктуроване шпаристе силікатне скло, сенсорика


Огляд присвячено дослідженню можливостей використання шпаристих силікатних стекол у сенсориці. Зазначені речовини є перспективними через власну хімічну стійкість, механічну тривкість та значну розгорнутість внутрішньої поверхні шпарин. Завдяки особливостям своєї будови ці стекла можуть використовуватися як матриця для формування ансамблів наночастинок слушних речовин, які здатні утворити всередині шпаристого зразка провідну фазу.


Smyntyna V. A., Skobeeva V. M., Malushin N. V. The boundary influence on the optical and luminescent properties of the quantum dots of the CdS in a polymer // Fizika i khimiya tverdogo tela, 12(2) (2011) 355–358.

Smyntyna V. A., Skobeeva V. M., Malushin N. V. Influence of the Surface on the Spectrum of Luminescence NC CdS in Gelatine Matrix // Photoelectronics 21 (2012) 50–56.

Doycho I. K. Study of the photoluminescent properties of nanoparticles ensembles of dyes // In the book: Non equilibrious processes in the sensor structures / V. A. Smyntyna (ed.), ONU, Odesa (2015) 120–170.

Doycho I. K., Grinevych V. S., and Filevska L. M. Porous Silica Glasses as a Model Medium for the Formation of Nanoparticles Ensembles: Review // In the book: Advanced Nanomaterials for Detection of CBRN, NATO Science for Peace and Security Series A: Chemistry and Biology / J. Bonča, S. Kruchinin (eds.), Springer Nature B. V. (2020) 283–294; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-024-2030-2_21

Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Marczuk K. Relative changes of porous glass dimensions in humid ambiance // Journal of Porous Materials, 7 (2000) 465–467.

Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Lishchuk D. V., Prokopovich L. P., Safronsky E. D., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek, E., Roizin Ya. O. Linear extension of porous glasses with modified internal surface in humid environment // Optica Applicata, 30(4) (2000) 605–611.

Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Prokopovich L. P., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Safronsky E. D. Humidity dependencies of porous sol-gel and silica glass linear sizes // Material Science, 20(2) (2002) 23–27.

Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Vorobyova V. A., Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Mak V. T. Effect of potassium nitrate treatment on the adsorption properties of silica porous glasses // Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 345–346 (2004) 260–264.

Tyurin O. V., Bercov Y. M., Zhukov S. O., Levitskaya T. F., Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E. Dye aggregation in porous glass // Optica Applicata, 40(2) (2010) 311–321; http://opticaapplicata.pwr.edu.pl/files/pdf/2010/no2/optappl_4002p311.pdf

Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Prokopovich L. P., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Marczuk K. The influence of anneal of incorporated carbon on the photoluminescence properties of porous glass and porous silicon // In the book: Polish Ceramic Bulletin 19, Ceramics 57 / Porous and Special Glasses (Proceedings of the 4-th International Seminar PGL’98) / L. Stoch (eds.), Polish Ceramic Society, Krakow (1998) 59–64.

Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Prokopovich L. P., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Safronsky, E. D. Influence of carbon multiple treatments on the photoelectrical properties of porous glasses // Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, 158 (2003) 427–432; https://doi.org/10.1080/1042015022000037292

Doycho I. K., Filevska L. M., Grinevych V. S. Gas sensitivity of some nanoparticles ensembles in porous glass // Photoelectronics, 30 (2021) 67–74.

Doicho I. K., Heveliuk S. A., Lepikh Ya. I., Rysiakevych-Pasek E. Osoblyvosti hazochutlyvosti barvnykiv na bazi kompleksiv 4-valentnoho stanumu // SEMST, 14(1) (2017) 31–40; https://doi.org/10.18524/1815-7459.2017.1.96436

Doycho I. K., Gevelyuk S. A., Lepikh Ya. I., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E. Nature of gas sensitivity of dyes on the base of Sn(IV) complexes // Optica applicata, 49(3) (2019) 427–436; http://opticaapplicata.pwr.edu.pl/files/pdf/2019/no3/optappl_4903p427.pdf

Doycho I. K., Gevelyuk S. A., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E. Photoluminescence of tautomeric forms of nanoparticle ensembles of dyes based on the 4-valence stannum complexes in porous silica glass // Photoelectronics, 24 (2015) 30–37.

Gevelyuk S. A., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Doycho I. K. Dependence of photoluminescence of nanoparticle ensembles of stannum (IV) complexes in silica porous matrix on concentration of saturating solution // Photoelectronics, 25 (2016) 40–47.

Patent Ukrainy na vynakhid No. 119092, Sensor amiaku: MPK G01N21/64 (2006. 01) / Heveliuk S. A., Doicho I. K., Lepikh Ya. I.; zareiestrovano u Derzhreiestri patentiv na vynakhody 25.04.2019.

Patent Ukrainy na vynakhid No. 118415, Sensor pariv khlorystoho vodniu: MPKG01N21/76 (2006. 01) / Lepikh Ya. I., Doicho I. K., Heveliuk S. A.; zareiestrovano u Derzhreiestri patentiv na vynakhody 10.01.2019.

Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Zalecka M., Polańska J. Optical properties of CdS-dopped porous glass // Optical Materials, 30(5) (2008) 777–779.

Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Mak V. T., Zhukov S. A. Photoluminescence and structural properties of nano-size CdS inclusions in porous glasses // Photoelectronics, 16 (2007) 75–79.

Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Polańska J., Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Mak V. T., Zhukov S. A. The photoluminescent properties of CdS clusters of different size in porous glasses // Optica Applicata, 28(1) (2008) 93–100.

Doycho I. K., Gevelyuk S. A., Ptashchenko O. O., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Zhukov S. O., Luminescence kinetics peculiarities of porous glasses with CdS inclusions // Photoelectronics, 17 (2008) 43–47.

Doycho I. K., Gevelyuk S. A., Ptashchenko O. O., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Tolmachova T. N., Tyurin O. V., Zhukov S. O. Photoluminescence features of AgBr nanoparticles formed in porous glass matrixes // Optica Applicata, 40(2) (2010) 323–332.

Hiroaki Uchiyama, Yuya Shirai, Hiromitsu Kozuka. Formation of spherical SnO2 particles consisting of nanocrystals from aqueous solution of SnCl4 containing citric acid via hydrothermal process // Journal of Crystal Growth, 319 (2011) 70–78.

Gevelyuk S. A., Grinevych V. S., Doycho I. K., Lepikh Ya. I., Filevska L. M. Photoluminescence of SnO2 nanoparticle ensemble in porous glass with column structure // In the book: 2019 IEEE 8th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL), Sozopol, Bulgaria, (2019) 416; https://doi.org/10.1109/CAOL46282.2019.9019433

Lim H. N., Nurzulaikha R., Harrison I., Lim S. S., Tan W. T., Yeo M. C. Spherical Tin Oxide SnO2 Particles Fabricated via Facile Hydrothermal Method for Detection of Mercury (II) Ions // International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 6 (2011) 4329, http://www.electrochemsci.org/papers/vol6/6094329.pdf

Doycho I. K., Filevska L. M., Gevelyuk S. A., Grinevich V. S. The medium influence on the luminescence intensity of SnO2 nanoparticles ensembles in a porous silicate glass matrix // In the book: Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Conference Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (NANO 2020), August 26–29, Lviv (2020) 79.

Gevelyuk S. A., Doycho I. K., Filevska L. M., Grinevych V. S. The Medium Influence on the Luminescence Intensity of SnO2 Nanoparticles’ Ensembles in a Porous Silicate Glass Matrix // In the book: Nanooptics and Photonics, Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology, and Their Applications (NANO 2020) / O. Fesenko, L. Yatsenko (eds), Springer Proceedings in Physics 264, Springer Cham. (2021) 75–81, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-74800-5_5

Gevelyuk S. A., Grinevych V. S., Doycho I. K., Filevska L. M. The active environment influence on the luminescence of SnO2 nanoparticles’ ensembles in a porous matrix // Applied Physics A, 126(12) (2020) art. id. 919; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-020-04101-4

Gevelyuk S. A., Grinevich V. S., Doycho I. K., Lepikh Ya. I., Filevska L. M. The Radiation Peculiarities of Nanoscale SnO2 in a Porous Matrix // J. of nano- and electronic physics, 129(3) (2020) 03020–03023; https://jnep.sumdu.edu.ua/en/component/content/full_article/3027

Doycho I. K., Gevelyuk S. A., Filevska L. M., Grinevych V. S. Catalysis of Wastewater Pollutants by Ruthenium Nanooxide in Porous Glass // In the book: The 9th International Conference Nanotechnology, and Nanomaterials (NANO 2021), August 25–27, Lviv, (2021) 38.

Doycho I. K., Geveliuk S. A., Filevska L. M., Grinevich V. S. Catalysis of Wastewater Pollutants by Ruthenium Nanooxide in Porous Glass // In the book: Nanooptics and Photonics, Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology, and Their Applications (Selected Proceedings of the IX International Conference Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials (NANO 2021), 25–28 August 2021, Lviv, Ukraine) / O. Fesenko, L. Yatsenko (eds), Springer Proceedings in Physics, 280, Part I: Nanochemistry and Biotechnology, Chapt. 3, Springer Cham. (March, 2023) 39–46; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18104-7_3

Lepikh Ya. I., Doycho I. K. Catalytic oxidation of the aromatic substances with ruthenium dioxide // Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 24(3) (2023) 499–502; https://doi.org/10.15330/pcss.24.3.499-502

Doycho I., Lepikh Ya., Filevska L., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., Grinevych V. Formation of a conducting phase in Porous Glasses // In the book: The 10th International, Conference Nanotechnology, and Nanomaterials (NANO 2022), August 25–27, Lviv, (2022) 52.

Doycho I., Lepikh Ya., Filevska L., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E., and Grinevych V. Formation of a Conducting Phase in Porous Glasses // In the book: Nanoelectronics, Nanooptics, Nanochemistry and Nanobiotechnology, and Their Applications / O. Fesenko and L. Yatsenko (eds.), Springer Proceedings in Physics 297, Chapter 10, Springer Cham. (2023) 243–251; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-42708-4_15

Lepikh Ya. I., Doicho I. K. Chutlyvist do volohy sylikatnoho skla i stvorennia na yoho osnovi sensora // SEMST, 20(1) (2023) 31–35.

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Lepikh Ya. I., Doycho I. K. Properties of silica porous glasses with the nanoparticle ensembles of some compounds. Review // Physics and Chemistry of Solid State, 24(2) (2023) 323–334, https://doi.org/10.15330/pcss.24.2.323-334

Safronsky E. D., Roizin Y. O., Rysiakiewicz-Pasek E. Application of porous glasses for humidity control // Optical Materials, 5 (1996) 217–220.






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